Cutting-Edge Technology that Enables Top Search Engines to Auto-Complete to Your Business on Every Search

Be the 1st Company Your Customers See - Dominate Your Competition

"Search Box Optimization" Competitive Edge

Your customers will encounter your company as a suggested term, auto-completing their search, before they have a chance to view your competitors. Reach your customers FIRST with Search Box Optimization.


What is Search Box Otimization?

Search Box Optimization allows you appear in the auto-complete results for Bing and YouTube. Your customers see you first before search results appear and completely bypass your competitive alternatives. If you are looking for a massive advantage over your competition, work with Firebrand Digital Innovation to identify the most effective keyword phrases in your industry and own Search Box Optimization. You will own exclusivity on your chosen keyword phrases!

Research indicates says that 71% of the web users click auto-complete results while searching. Position your business with an unparalleled advantage!

We can get you extraordinary results

Thinking outside the box

Companies spend huge amounts of money on SEO and Pay-Per-Click campaigns. Firebrand delivers auto-complete for Bing & YouTube at an affordable price, so your clients see you before anyone else.

Keys to Success

Your business will be the only company revealed to your customers in the search box via auto-complete.  And when they click through onto your company page, the technology bypasses your competition jumping directly to your business, and you own the entire first page of the results.

Take a look at the video for more insights

Cost Effective

Completely own the entire first page of search results while saving money compared to expensive pay-per-click campaigns and traditional SEO.

Competitive Edge

Any time a web surfer types in the chosen keyword phrase, the search box auto-completes to your owned keywords. The viewer will see only you, bypassing the competition, before seeing any other search results.


You will be the only company listed for the keyword phrase that you choose.  We never sell a keyword phrase twice. You own them.

Act quickly! Once a keyword phrase is claimed by your competition, it's gone!

  • Select the most effective key word phrases that your customer base uses to find you.
  • Each time a user enters in chosen keyword phrases in Bing & YouTube, the search box auto-completes to your business.
  • Save big money on your pay-per-click campaigns and traditional SEO by having customers find you directly.
  • Elevate your online authority by having your prospective client base search your business by name.
  • Fast results. You can earn new customers within 45 days or less with Firebrand Search Box Optimization.

Earn more Clients
Affordably & Effectively!

Front and center for prospective customers on every search of chosen keywords.

  • Attract new clients through exclusive visibility and bypass your competition entirely.
  • Front and center with prime and exclusive positioning for Bing & YouTube keyword phrases.
  • Affordable programs to meet your budget.
  • Monthly reporting and incredible support.
  • Effective on all computer platforms and mobile devices.

SBO is cutting-edge marketing technology that is still largely unknown by competitors. Be the first and only business a web searcher sees when looking for your product or service; maximum visibility that you can own!

Own the first page of search results

Search Box Optimization delivers entire 1st page of search results to deliver exclusive exposure to your business!

Cutting Edge Technology

Firebrand SBO delivers a technological competitive edge that no other provider can deliver as effectively and affordably.

Streamlined Process

The process is simple. We will collaborate with you to identify keywords phrases that provide premium exposure to your prospective clients, and we take care of the rest.

Worldwide Visibility

If your aim is to reach beyond local prospective clients, your chosen keyword phrases can also be owned worldwide! Ask a Firebrand Strategist right away!

Mobile Device Ready

Firebrand Search Engine Optimization technology is compatible on all mobile devices. Your clients can search on any computer, tablet or phone across the globe!

Cost Effective

Firebrand SBO is far more affordable than traditional SEO. Firebrand makes it affordable to own a monopoly over coveted key words and dominate your competition.

Getting started is a cinch!

The Firebrand SBO program is simple & affordable allowing all businesses access to this incredibly powerful technology. We will never sell your keyword phrase to anyone else.  If you buy a keyword phrase - it's yours for as long as you want it.  Your competition can never wrestle that keyword phrase from you!

Still not convinced?

  • Question: Do I have to paying ongoing fees while I wait for our business to show up in auto-complete?

    Answer:  No. After you make your initial payment for set-up, you will not make another payment until one of your keywords is successfully registering on auto-complete. 100% risk free!

  • Question: Will I show up on mobile searches?

    Answer:  Yes. Your  business will auto-complete chosen keyword phrases on all devices in YouTube and Bing.

  • Question: How long does it take for our business to appear in auto-complete for selected keyword phrases?

    Answer:  A typical timeframe for auto-complete to become active is between 45-60 days. Once active, you will begin seeing your business appear on auto-compete for YouTube & Bing.

Local & National Programs

Firebrand offers SBO programming for local and national business campaigns.

Local Marketing Campaign

If you are a local business ready to outshine your competition with local clients, we can help you dominate web search with Firebrand Local Search Box Optimization.  Reach your local audience at the exact moment they are seeking your services.  Let us assist you in implementing a strategy to capture the most effective keyword phrases associated with your business to allow your prospective clients to find you with ease.

National Marketing Campaign

If you are a company with a national footprint and are prospecting clients across the country, we can to deliver your business with maximize visibility, front and center, in front of thousands each month. Let us customize a marketing strategy with you, collaborate to identify the best keyword phases applicable to your industry, and drive a huge volume of business  to your doorstep through Firebrand's auto-complete technology.

We deliver results and exceed expectations.

Exclusive Support

We'll keep you informed with regular updates and insightful reports to illustrate the results of your campaign. Each time a keyword appears in YouTube or Bing, you will be notified so your business can prepare for new business.

Simple Process

We make it easy for you. Collaborate with us to identify which keyword phrases are most impactful to your business, and we will work to deliver positioning your company to auto-complete on YouTube or Bing.

What They Say

We opted to get as many keyword phrases as possible so we could own the search market. We are extremely happy. They deliver the results they promise.

- Mr. Jesse

Dallas Mortgages

We saw the results. When our customers search for adoption services in Canada, our name shows in the auto-suggest, and customers are using this to find us. The Autocomplete-Optimization program works great.

- Mr. Brown

Canada Adoption

Get started with Firebrand Search Box Optimization today and own the keyword phrases where customers find you the most.